Thursday, 19 May 2011


Ok so this is not a booze recipe I will be tweeting to Robert McCammon. He and I have been trading poison concoctions. I like a vodka tonic with lime, but I like it really cold. Almost like a slushy drink.  So the other night I made one and tossed it in the freezer. It was in a heavy bottom tumbler that had been hand blown and had a small air bubble in the bottom. It accidentally ended up in the dishwasher so this little air pocket got filled with water, and was held by magic or physics, which are pretty much the same thing in my book. Anyway, and putting a point to my statement, the tonic in my glass froze and so did the water in the air pocket. Water expands when it turns to a solid. Pressure escapes along the path of least resistance.  Ok enough physics. Suffice to say that my slushy drink had a little more than ice in it. The bottom of the glass failed and broke upward from the very center infusing my nightcap with sharp little shards of expensive glass.
            Pop quiz everybody. It is two in the morning you’ve just ingested a quantity of broken glass the size of a quarter, well closer to a Looney. But if I say Looney, readers outside Canada might get lost. What do you do? I called poison control. When you call poison control the person answers the phone with; “Have you been poisoned?” Several glib remarks sprang immediately to mind. Recently? As a sport? This isn’t big girls in boots? But I held my tongue and with a pregnant pause said, “Well I am not entirely certain at this point.” I then laid out my folly. She didn’t laugh.
            Seems this kind of thing happens more than you’d think. Either that or she was telling me lies to make me feel better. In any case she told me not to induce vomiting. That was a good thing as I didn’t have any of the puke syrup and due to some design flaw I don’t seem to have a gag reflex. I say FLAW, as I will never need this particular feature. She mentioned that the human body is quite good at passing things like this as we did evolve from foraging for food. But!
 Here it comes, I thought, this will be the last twenty seconds of truth. Like the drug commercials that tell you your happy pills may make you take a frozen chicken to your spouse and beat them to death. Or worse anal seepage!
She went on to say if you start to feel weak or have pain go to the emergency ward. Now while she had been talking and reassuring me everything would be fine I had all the screens going on the Internet looking for just how my death would pan out.  There really isn’t a great deal out there on this. Which makes me feel like she had been blowing smoke earlier in the conversation.  So I offered a few of the possible fixes. One guy had given his dog cotton balls, at the vet’s direction, and sure enough the balls had picked up the little shards and came out; dog unscathed. Vets are doctors, the physics (I lied) sounded good!
She laughed at me. Then, attempting her best motherly calm down little boy voice, told me to search eating glass videos on google.  I did and if those retards didn’t die I knew I was going to be fine. So I poured myself six fingers of vodka and thought might as well swab the cuts with alcohol!
I know this is different than my usual blog but I  had to type it over a needy and exceedingly vicious cat, and figured you might enjoy the read. See stupid things happen even if you do have a “The” before your name! KIDDING!! If you want to follow Robert look him up on Twitter under Robert MacCammon not the real spelling of his last name. Great writer and his latest book just went into second printing after only a month or something. Amazing!  

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Finishing touches

Just took some good advice and changed the blog up a bit. Hopefully this makes it easier to interact and experience. Did it via the iPhone four. No downtime or rest for the wretched!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Bernard Ave,Chilliwack,Canada

Getting used to raving fans and Author crap!!

Ok so what do you do, think, and feel, when one of your favourite authors makes this comment. “Hmmm your book looks interesting I am going to buy it. Will you sign it for me when I come to Surrey this year?” I mean really! We have been tweeting booze recipes back and forth for a while. Since he got on twitter actually. Then this! First thing past the shock of it was OMG I hope he likes it! Said he liked what he could find online, and that it looked interesting. For me this was akin to coming to the realization that you are indeed naked from the waist down in front of the class assembly. God I hope they Like IT!
Terror mixed with walking on cloud nine. Ok this is another new one to get used to. Speaking of getting used to things, people asking me about grammar and spelling.  Ah just a point, writing a book does not suddenly give one a masters in writing.  Have you read it? Tons of grammar and spelling issues! Less now someone has edited it. Would have been much less if my original editor didn’t have a stroke and could have stayed with the project.  Getting used to are you The Scott D. Covey? That one is going to take a long time! The only one in my family with THE in his name is the cat, as in The Piker. Because if you miss that ‘The’ he will go on a killing spree.  He really is that terrifying! So yeah the are you The questions are a little weird. No I am just Scott and yes it would be my honour and privilege to sign my book that you paid your hard earned money to buy. I hope you enjoy the read.
To close I have a pretty busy week so I probably won’t get much time to blog. The American Book Expo is in New York City this week and I have a trip planned to Hawaii directly following. So going to do a little rest and relax and have fun with Crystal, as she is truly The Crystal to me!  The number to be a best seller in Canada is 5000 copies, we apparently are doing very good numbers out of the gate so perhaps I may earn that The yet. Thanks for reading and if I start acting like I have a The in front of my name do feel free to drag me back to reality! 

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Timing is perhaps not everything, but perspective is!

Timing. We have all heard the saying; “Timing is everything.” I was thinking about this the other day as I tried to figure out what type of switch I should do to my marketing plan for Grey Redemption.  Change it, leave it alone? I am lucky enough to have professionals and pro opinions, but they are just educated guesses at the end of the day. Then I saw that the Bang Bang Club is being made into a major motion picture! Well, has been made in reality, and will be released soon. William Heinemann first published this in the UK, in 2000. Written by Greg Marinovich, and Joao Silva whom were war photographers in the dirty little hidden war in South Africa.  I have a signed copy, inscribed; “Scott you live this book.”  This timing was eleven years, for the popular industry to get on board. I guess the scabs of that conflict have grown hard enough for us to rub our eyes on it. Most wouldn’t have known anything about it if it weren’t for the Bruce Springsteen song Sun City, written by Van Zandt.  Timing.  Joao Silva said, ”Redemption is living with oneself.” The timing for me to hear that was perfect. That it formed a theme in Grey Redemption was perfect timing again. Course I only saw it for the truth it was looking backwards