am happy to see that my Post on PTSD got lots of exposure. I think it is
important that with the new healthy lifestyle choices a little focus gets
turned toward mental health. I was slightly amused that some thought it was a
cry for help and sprung into action. I appreciated the calls and if you just
posted on Facebook, well that gives me an indication of you concern. I am not
really sure how many people saw it on Facebook as I don’t trust their numbers.
But suffice to say with over 150000 followers the exposure was large. I have
received many private notes and messages from a great deal of people thanking
me for having the courage to post such a personal story.
Hmmm, I recently reactivated my personal account for friends only. I had to
take it down many months ago as the Facebook police flagged it as a duplicate
account. It was right before the IPO, go figure! Anyway I reopened it and
hopefully it skates by scrutiny. I don’t post much on it, just things for
people that aren’t close by or in touch on a regular basis. I am blessed that
most of my friends are in touch regularly and for the most part I see them
weekly. I saw a t-shirt that kind of speaks to this. “My wish for you is that
one day your life is as good as you say it is on FaceBook”. A more truthful and
sad concise statement probably hasn’t been said since the Beatle’s epic “One is
the Loneliest Number”. Cluttered life albums with old pictures of partners that
don’t matter anymore. I mean sure they were part of your life, so some
contextual images that mark a moment, a place, an idea. But single selfy’s?
Really? Move the fuck on! Like the shit we buy to impress people we don’t know,
and perhaps even dislike, it clutters you. It creates emotional clutter that,
forces you to drag it forward. Like the oversized carry on you loaded at the
outlet mall, you’re now trying to drag through airport screening! How do you
get to Happily ever after, with all the clutter of the “my life sucked” past?
Perhaps this is just my perspective. But, I am really at a loss at how to look
at it differently. If you’re betting on a game and the team fails to win do you
really care what gets said in the locker room after? As the old saying goes
“You don’t have a horse in that race.”
said this to a friend recently, as we smoked a cigar and talked about life, the
universe, and everything. A common topic while herfing (it’s a word) an
expensive bit of Cuban Culture. Ever the sensitive sort he put forth a few
it serves as a lesson”
it allows memories of a happier time”
they’re just lazy and don’t edit”
I thought about these while watching the smoke curl and the
ashes form. This brought my mind around to a few different thoughts. Does the
ash of this cigar serve as a reminder of how good it was previously? I guess in
fact it does. However if I don’t leave it in the ashtray it will just drop all
over my shirt and make me look like a slob. The lingering smoke, does leave a
scent. It is reminiscent of happier times now grown stale with time, and the
absence of additional cigars. Smoked cigars left in the ashtray do not grow
finer with the passage of time. So the lazy host is condemning his friends to
future herfs outdoors in the cold. I guess it is plain to see my mind, once
made up is very hard to change. Perhaps a failing, but one thing is very clear
with this mindset. I am exactly where I decided to be.
other things as we race towards Christmas. Remember even if your friend or
partner is not suffering from PTSD or the Christmas Blues Love is the reason
for the season. Corny perhaps but when we have the courage to let down our
defenses we see the real gifts bestowed on us. Recently I had four friends put
their lives on hold, rearrange schedules, and spend time and money to jet to
Vegas to be part of my Grand Elope. Considering at this time of year the effort
it takes to meet a friend for coffee between mall excursions and the cost with
all the gifts to budget for this was quite a demonstration of LOVE. It wasn’t
easy for any of them to make this happen and it wouldn’t have been the same
event without them. So a public thank-you.
Grand Elope. Inga and I wanted to throw a celebration in the city we were
introduced in. So we decided to get married in Vegas. Now I know Vegas sounds like
a bit of a tacky place to get married and while I am sure it can be it doesn’t
have to be. In fact I really believe having done reams of research that it will
give you the most bang for your buck and eliminate a mile of headaches. Take
limos as an example. Presidential Limousine probably moves more people in a
week than a comparable Vancouver company. This gives the client a level of
service that is tried and tested and second to none. Restaurants are used to
groups and being slammed is not an excuse for poor food or service. To sum up
they are set up to do large celebrations. Ours was no exception, it went off as
planned and designed without a hitch with most of the arrangements made on the
web, or phone text! I planned the whole thing and trust me it was as easy an
experience as a wedding could ever be.
- 1400sqft Suite for champane and cake after reception reception
- Chapel, Photogrpaher, video, and officiant.
- Lamborghini (Inga’s fathers “white horse”)
- Limo tours and pick up.
- Reception in the Foundation Room, with the view Inga and I saw on our first date!
- Russian flower arrangements and Cake decorating
All of these projects arranged and completed without
actually talking to a single person! This is the digital age.
this is life moving forward and MY life moving forward. It has been a challenge
of late to complete writing projects and move the sequel along, but it is.
Slowly and more tightly this time that will add to your reading pleasure. Some other
large changes loom on the horizon and rest assured I will take you all along
for the ride.
Christmas, Happy Holidays, Best of the season. Enjoy this time with those you
love and those that love you. Whatever your faith, beliefs, or delusions,
remember Love is why we are all here and without love we will not be!
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