Tuesday 1 March 2011

Selections of thoughts and adverse reality tunnels.

Ok so everyone says I have to Blog. Blog or die was the sirens call at the Surrey International Writers Conference. So here we are on Blogger. So what do I tell you...After many months of edits and rewrites and cut this cut that crap, one of my fans in the USA has the finished hardcopy before me. That's right he is reading it prior to me getting a physical copy of it. You have to love living in the North! He says its done well and the binding is good, so I can relax. Not! (Yes I know that is so 2008) I guess in the grand scheme of things this is a good thing as I have yet to get my website up. Forgive me but the past slow process went from Edsel to Lotus in seconds. Basically yeah the block proofs are good Tuesday to live Friday!! Really? So here I blog, instead of eagerly paging through the new hardcover, searching for the upside down page that I know must be there! It is a feeling akin to the sound your car makes, or more correctly doesn't make, as you drive over black ice. The speed, and forward progression in the hands of the three fates. Sisters be kind to me!

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